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I did not know whether the brothers are willing to part with ten thousand ah ? Philip 's nature is to want to make Yaojin mean, Qin Qiong and one hundred elite troops to help, it WANHE is very generous, waved his hand and said: Is there anything at all, since you opened the brothers mouth, Qin brother ! cheap toms shoes It hard to look up ! Yaojin early help, and one could hear Wan Wo, then immediately pulled out the ax Cheap ray ban Sunglasses is excitedly shouted : No problem ! As Qin Qiong also gently nodded his head in agreement. See Qin Qiong and Yaojin agreed to Philip that was overjoyed, even though there is no cheap toms help, to have the confidence to win the Liaodong great city, but more so two reinforcements for this war, then more power big !

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