Tuesday, April 16, 2013

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Magic ice to protection behind Kusaba days, their own hesitant to move recklessly with flexible crows how much a point to eat a small loss, if repeat the act, no time to take medicine may die down.hermes wallet, Kusaba days grab channel: showed their back, do not hardcore hermes wallet - and that is not earned! Body astute move to the leafy giant trees, changjon rained sealed crow strike direction. Block of dense foliage, crows have sharp eyes looking for two people to take a few seconds, such a short period of time is sufficient for the master, Kusaba recorded for several days against the entrenched group of crows in the sky undifferentiated arrows, how much can also cause no small damage. Have access to a tree near the lower flight of crows shadowy magic ice sword Zhanla the situation suddenly turned to two favorable, this kind certainly crows grinding death.

A mysterious Ukrainian such as the sound of wailing, only 60 left black ice crow and seven mysterious black all crashed advance the dense mass of black clouds suddenly rolled down two hiding grove. The Kusaba day cried: to carefully life insurance, have the opportunity to cover hermes purse! Finished with a strike through the clouds will only mysterious black nails on the ground, with the mysterious black dying blew the numerous black ice crow desperately like red over, Kusaba days before and after suddenly in a few hit Baryonyx. Relied on his hands wrist fear the sword, literally a few claws the eye black ice crow knock. The magic ice a look Kusaba days critical situation hermes purse - hermes bag do not have access, regardless of the behind the mysterious black attack, Li He heard, sword like stars, silver little, suddenly all Kusaba days beside the black ice crow draw sword hermes bag - Kusaba days looking for a tight. Xuan Wu timely move their skills attack, mouth frozen ice gas median magic ice vest, the whole body of the people are shrouded with a layer of white frost hermes wallet - Two smiling farewell, the action suddenly slow down.

The Kusaba days a lazy Lvda Gun escaped a black ice crow's lap, a note through the clouds and hit the attack magic ice Xuan Wu kill, right hand to release the bowstring a pill and quickly stuffed hermes bag mouth. The vest came at the feeling of burning, Ye Yu Tian eat a heavy blow, Fan Shen a super close-up arrows all shot down around 78 black ice crow dismount. Magic ice nibbling a Hematinic the fastest hands of the sword designated to dodge bows crows, eight the crow and neck carnage collapse now, sword killed hermes birkin bag - after several skills. Kusaba days to catch his breath, the hands of arrows to attack again, is rushing a few black ice crow avoidance less than suddenly fall to the ground. The fastest killing the enemy encirclement attack, resulting in the number of black ice crows are formed on the two relay attack, or a sufficient number of alternate attack two mortal. The Kusaba days his face smiling, hands Zhang bows and arrows, leisurely.