Wednesday, June 6, 2012

early autumn popular style of ghd

ghd hair straightener group has announced will invest 3 billion yuan in wu Qing establish production base north of Tianjin, the sprint domestic GHD industry three positions before.

ghd outlet group last year sales income 18 billion yuan, the profit of 860 million yuan. At present for the annual output of 8 million sets GHD group, ranked fourth in the domestic. GHD in a news conference, the President said the original GHD 1. 5 controversial payment results. Earlier in 2005 and was brewing GHD merger, later, GHD after the merger, the money became the focus of the dispute.

On the 1. 5 arbitration, today's managed result has shown ghd australia problem, that is to say, all previous dispute or speculation or are naturally over, that is GHD controversy, especially in the legal aspect of dispute settlement with as the means, match with integrated finish at the same time. In GHD comprehensive custody of a news conference, the President said the overall GHD managed reasons.